We analyze the Catecismo by Pablo de Villavicencio, el Payo del Rosario, and his structural adjustment to the catechist text traditionally of Ripalda for the propaganda of the liberal concepts and the defense of a new political system in the newly independent Mexican nation. The study shows that this text is another one amonghis political pamphlets, in which he uses repetitive metaphors and comparisons to construct a close and easily interpretable image to spread the liberal and insurgent ideology among the people. Besides the verification of a burlesque and sarcastic discursive style, with a less informative and more opinionated purpose, we observe the author's lexical accommodation to the new historical contexts and the consubstantial linguistic textual variation, with preferential samples of linguistic uses, which reveal contrastive dialectal and regional features, visible in the differential vocabulary specially.
Spanish of America, Enlightenment vocabulary, variety of registers
Franco Figueroa, M. (2013). On the El Catecismo político burlesco de los coyotes by Payo del Rosario (1827). Boletín De Filología, 48(1), Pág. 103 –125. Retrieved from https://ultimadecada.uchile.cl/index.php/BDF/article/view/27154