Intervention in a geriatric hospital


  • Horacio Foladori Abeledo Departamento de Psicología, Universidad de Chile
  • Ricardo Hidalgo Molina Departamento de Psicología, Universidad de Chile


This paper shows a group intervention done by the staff in a geriatric state hospital. The report includes the contract and the setting, the development of the group experience done through two groups that operate one after the other, and the diagnostical conlusions as well as the propositions presented to the authorities. Also, there is a discussion around some of the problems involved in this kind of intervention. The technique used was an adaptation of the Balint group, according to the kind of work to be done. In the same way, other theorical references are Pichón-Riviere's operative group frame, as well as the French institutional analysis. Some considerations are detailed.


analyzer, historization, violence, autogestion