Winnicott Today: Psychoanalytic Considerations About New Sename’s Technical Basis for Adoption


  • Leonardo Medeiros Ruiz Centro de Asistencia a Víctimas de Atentados Sexuales


The new Technical Basis of Servicio Nacional de Menores (Minor National Services, Sename) regarding adoption politics in infancy are discussed in relation to Donald Winnicott's theory. It is stated that winnicottian theory and clinic are not well understood if its ethics is not kept in mind, as it underlines the wish and history of the child and parents. The consecuences of this position are relevant as instruments of critical analysis, as they unravel the notion of infancy that sustains such Technical Basis. This paper also revitalizes Winnicott's thoughts, as reading his work can still enlighten our way of thinking about infancy problems, even if these are circumscribed to current chilean context.


Winnicott, clinical, ethics, adoption policies, Sename