Training for the use of NICHD Protocol by south-Brazilian professionals


  • Carlos Aznar-Blefari Universidade Tuiuti do Paraná
  • Maria da Graça Saldanha Padilha Universidade Tuiuti do Paraná


This study aimed at assessing the impact of a training program for the use of NICHD protocol (National Institute of Child and Human Develop-ment). This protocol is a tool based on good prac-tices in investigative interviewing and is validated by studies which show its effectiveness in the field. The NICHD protocol encompasses more frequent open-ended questions, thus decreasing suggestibility. Two psychologists and one social worker participated in the study and a training program with four interventions based on scientific knowledge was performed. The study used a single subject design (A-B-C-D), assessing the performance of each participant through investigative interviews, carried out after each one of the four interventions of the program. After analyzing the data of each participant, an improvement in the quality of the interviews was observed, due mainly to the use of more open-ended questions and less closed ones. The average use of questions was statistically compared through the Monte Carlo simulation and Friedman's ANOVA test, demonstrating a significant decrease in the use of suggestive questions. These results confirm the importance of training programs containing theoretical and practical aspects; as well as continuous supervisions that include feedback in every interview.


child sexual abuse, NICHD protocol, investigative interviews, program assessment.