Virtual Education and Emergency Remote Teaching in the Context of Technical-Professional Higher Education: Possibilities and Barriers



New technologies and advances of the digital revolution have permeated not only school education with innovative tools and means to improve teaching and learning, they also have become a relevant resource of work in higher education. Professional technical higher education represents an important percentage of the enrollment of tertiary education and has characteristics and context that differentiates it from college education. Considering this and in the framework of COVID-19 pandemic, this article refers to the need faced by technical-professional higher education to urgently implement forms of distance work which, in turn, requires seeking new strategies, paths and approaches that take in account the use of different virtuality tools that exist today.


Virtual education, higher technical-professional education, remote emergency education, educational technology, distance learning, pandemic, COVID-19

Author Biography

Carlos Ruz-Fuenzalida, CIISA Professional Institute

Coordinator of Transversal Training, CIISA Professional Institute, Santiago, Chile; Degree in Education, Universidad Central, Santiago, Chile.