During the last decades, the management of emotions has begun to be considered as a central aspect of managerial management. This situation has become more evident in pandemic contexts. This article reports on a research whose objective was to explore and describe the emotional experience of school principal of Chilean public educational centers. For this purpose, a qualitative study with a phenomenological approach and a design based on emotional episodes, that is, on specific situations in which an emotion has been felt during managerial work was carried out. 10 directors of schools that receive state subsidies participated, 6 women and 4 men. The study was carried out during the social and health crisis caused by the spread of Covid-19. As a data construction technique, a semi-structured interview based on episodic interview was used. A qualitative content analysis was carried out. The results allowed us to construct the following categories: emotional experience, regularity and emotional change, assessment of emotional support, and assessment of joint work. These categories enrich the understanding of the emotional dimension of managerial leadership, integrating eminently subjective aspects with others of a relational or intersubjective nature.
school leadership, emotions, emotional experience, affect, pandemic