
It is reported that the thesis section is available, to publish abstracts of postgraduate theses in the disciplinary field. Who submits your thesis, must present the title, abstract, key words (include Occupational Therapy), and a summary of 2 to 3 pages of your thesis. And `present it in Spanish, English and / or Portuguese.

Systematizing experience in Establishment of Long Demurrage of Major Adult: " Towards an Approach Gerontological"


  • Verónica Véliz R. Corporación Desarrollo Social de San Joaquín
  • Jessica Olate Andaur Universidad de Chile


Based on the experience developed with older adults for seven years in a charitable institution, applying the psychosocial and community approach, it was noted the beneficial impact on health and functionality of institutionalized older adults, working in teams with gerontologic approach. Also, the achievement of autonomy, participation and involvement of older people requires the team to share a paradigm of intervention, whose patterns, approaches and strategies, facilitate the achievement of cross-sectional therapeutic targets, focused on the real needs of the older person and his/her family.


This systematic retrospective of professional experience experienced by nurses and occupational therapists, aims to raise public and persons associated with long-stay facilities, about the relevance, appropriateness and feasibility of gerontological interventions, which need not involve an economic cost, more While a paradigm shift at all levels. To do so, describe the process undertaken for the implementation of comprehensive and meaningful, using as the formation of teams from different disciplines, that value and involve the elderly and their families in making decisions. Communication and constant feedback to maintain, improve or replace intervention strategies, through a participatory and dynamic process


Gerontological approach, systematization of experience, teamwork, functionality, autonomy, occupational participation

Author Biographies

Verónica Véliz R., Corporación Desarrollo Social de San Joaquín

Terapeuta Ocupacional, Lic. en Cs. de la Ocupación Humana, Universidad de Chile.  Corporación Desarrollo Social de San Joaquín, Dirección de Salud.

Jessica Olate Andaur, Universidad de Chile

Enfermera, Licenciada en Enfermería, Universidad de Concepción.  Académico Universidad de Chile, Escuela de Enfermería.