This article aims to develop a series of descriptive arguments that explore the relationship that can be established between the sense of being of a body (under a deconstructive perspective)and the re-signification which can assume its contemporary expression from the notion of concealed thinking proposed by the French philosopher Jean-Luc Nancy. We could argue that if there is thought it is because there is a meaning (a condition) that always gives us something to think about. Once we understand this, the comprehension traditionally defined from the explanatory and structural rational forms, it is transformed in a “being there”, in a sensible and different way to the cultural and rational modes culturally learned. For its deconstruction, the sense what become that touching coming from a non-thinkable exteriority. If you want to think differently, we are always at the limit of our conditions, either because of the ways in which we have built our productive relationships or simply because of our human way of being in the world. What touches from the “not thought exteriority”, is precisely, the feeling as a call to be in that affection -a sort of appropriation of meaning-, in the estrangement of having an affective sensation. Concealed thinking in this context faces the thought as permanent confrontation of historical meanings and culturally relativized.
Ferrada Sullivan, J. (2019). On the notion of concealed thinking in Jean-Luc Nancy. Cinta De Moebio. Revista De Epistemología De Ciencias Sociales, (64), 123–131. Retrieved from