Trade in services and gender: the case of Chile


  • Antonieta Sepúlveda Carreras Universidad de Chile


In recent decades, the relationship between international trade and gender has gained relevance, although the trade in services from a gender perspective remains underexplored. Chile, one of the most globally integrated economies, faces the challenge of diversifying its export basket, which is highly concentrated in commodities, and reducing persistent gender gaps in its economy. The services sector, employing a large proportion of women, represents a strategic opportunity to address both challenges. This study analyzes the relationship between gender and trade in services in Chile, using an exploratory qualitative approach that serves as a reference for future research and as input for the design of public policies. The findings highlight the importance of designing specific public policies to promote female participation in service exports and contribute to more inclusive and sustainable economic development.


trade in services, gender, trade policy, Feminist Foreign Policy


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