Instructions for authors: Guidelines for the presentation of originals


Papers presented to publish in the LAJTP are original and have not been presented in another means of publication. The manuscript is the author's original work.

The manuscript contains nothing that is defamatory, offensive, fraudulent, or illegal.

Conference papers and thesis

The submitted articles must have been substantially revised, rewritten and expanded from the thesis or conference paper on which it is based, so that it may be considered an original contribution by the editor.  

These articles will be subject to the same double blind review process as any other submitted article.

Please include the statement 'This article is a revised and expanded version of a paper/thesis entitled [title] presented at [name, location and date of conference/university and degree]'


Papers should be submitted electronically in two formats: in PDF without author’s name and in Word format, including author’s name.

Article submission and processing charges

The LAJTP does not charge for submission or processing of articles. 


LAJTP publishes original articles in both Spanish and English.


Articles should be as concise as possible and should not exceed 10,000 words, including notes and references (Garamond, 11). They must include an abstract of approximately 250 words and up to five keywords, both in English and Spanish.

The first page includes the title both in English and Spanish (in capital letters), abstract and author(s)’s names. A different page contains author’s current affiliation and contact information (e-mail address and phone number), and also the submission and acceptance date. 

Any word written in a foreign language should be italicized, avoid words in bold.   

Finally, graphs and figures must be sent separately in Excel or JPG format.

Text citation and reference list

Authors should follow APA 6th citation system. Therefore, at the end of the text, list all the referenced items alphabetically by author. 

Some basic citations norms are: 

Books (one author):
Knoepfel, P. (2007). Public policy analysis. Bristol: The Policy Press.

Books (Institutional author):
UNCTAD. (2016). Trade, gender and development. Geneva: UNCTAD.

Books (two or more authors):
Fontana, M., Joekes, S. & Masika, R. (1998). Global trade expansion and liberalization: gender issues and impacts. Brighton: Institute of Development Studies

Journal article:
Bhagwati, J. (1984). Why are services cheaper in the poor countries? The Economic Journal, 279-286.

Book section:
Palma, G. (2003). Latin America during the second half of the twentiet

Evaluation process

The LAJTP is committed to double blind peer-review integrity and upholding the highest standards of review. The first assessment will review both originality (using specialized plagiarism softwares) and compliance with the aim and scope of the journal. After this first assessment, it will be peer reviewed by independent, anonymous expert referees. Reviewers will not be asked to evaluate another article within a timeframe of 24 months.

Each reviewer will present a report including both comments regarding the the formal aspects of the article, such as presentation, guidelines for the presentation of originals, wording, etc., as well as comments on content , according to the Journal’s objectives, originality, hypothesis, etc. 

Reviewer’s report can conclude stating that they approve the text without any changes, requesting some content changes, or recommending the rejection of the article. In this case, the Editorial Committee reserves the right to comply or rule out the reviewer’s decision.  

The LAJTP evaluation process is based on its ethical standards for:

Editors: assure article selection, non-discriminatory selection and assure confidentiality; and disclose conflict of interests.

Reviewers: assure confidentiality, promptness and standards of objectivity; contribute to editorial decisions; acknowledge sources; and disclose conflicts of interest.

Authors: Report standards; avoid multiple, redundant or concurrent publication; assure originality and avoid plagiarism; assure authorship; acknowledge sources; disclose conflicts of interest; and notify fundamental mistakes in published works.

Open Access Policy

The LAJTP provides immediate open access to its content, as free access to investigation supports a wider exchange of knowledge.

This platform uses an Open Journal Systems (OJS) software developed by the Publish Knowledge Project (PKP) from the University of British Columbia, Canada. OJS is used by more than 10,000 scientific and academic journals all over the world.  

Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to full text articles in this journal without asking prior permission from the publisher or author, in accordance with Budapest Open Access Initiative.