The African Continental Free Trade Area Agreement (AfCFTA): Possible benefits for women and youth in Africa


  • Xolani Thusi University of Zululand
  • Victor Malambo University of Johannesburg
  • Toyin Adetibah University of Zululand


This paper intends to analyse the economic benefits of the AfCFTA for African women and youth. Women and youth in Africa are continually left behind in economic advancements that have the potential to enhance their standard of living. More women and youth in Africa live in poverty and are unemployed, resulting in high crime rates and an increase in the population dependent on social services. The fact that more people in Africa depend on the government has placed a burden on the government, since the government must stretch limited resources to support everyone in the population. The African Union Summit in Kigali, Rwanda, in March 2018, saw the signing of the AfCFTA by the heads of state of 44 African nations. So far, 36 of Africa's 54 nations have signed the accord. AfCFTA will create a single market for goods and services, making it simpler for individuals to move across the continent. It will also help in economic growth and contribute to a more prosperous and equitable society. It is worth mentioning that Africa has the world's youngest population, with women constituting half of the continent's population. Based on this premise, this research will analyse how the AfCFTA might benefit women and youth. Finally, utilizing a qualitative research approach and a review of current literature, the article will highlight the possible AfCFTA benefits for women and youth.

Palabras clave:

Development, Poverty, Trade, Woman, Unemployment, Youth


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