An assessment and typological proposal concerning the Southern Chile´s incised pottery is presented. The organization of the reported incise variety is based on the ceramic assemblage obtained from the San Miguel de Renaico 5 (SMR5), Parque Eólico Lebu 3 (PEL3), and Tubul area sites, as well on a regional archaeological bibliographic survey. In this way, we aim to draw attention to the existence and variability of this ceramic decoration and propose the presence of five different types, dating from 800 to 1500 AD. This decoration turns out to be ubiquitous in Southern Chile domestic sites, nonetheless, it has not been included in the complete vessels pottery typologies of the Pitrén and El Vergel complexes or historic contexts.
Campbell, R., Cortés, C., Palma, G., Dávila, C., & Delgado, A. (2019). The incised pottery of Southern Chile. Revista Chilena De Antropología, (40), 104–126. Retrieved from