The author investigates the reception of the Chilean legal culture in Colombia on occasion of the adoption of a Civil Code based on that of Chile. For this purpose, he analyzes the references found in the Gaceta Legal of that country to the doctrinal jurisprudence of Chile and its impact in that legal environment. Quotations and works by Chilean jurists like Luis Claro Solar, Arturo Alessandri Rodríguez, Fernando Alessandri Rodríguez, Alfredo Barros Errázuriz, Lorenzo de la Maza Rivadeneira, David Stitchkin Branover and others appear on its pages.
Civil Code of Colombia, Civil Code of Chile, Gaceta Judicial, Civil doctrinal jurisprudence of Chile, Chilean jurists, Colombian jurists
Abásolo, E. (2022). Chilean legal culture in the colombian Gaceta Judicial (period 1935-1940). Revista Chilena De Historia Del Derecho, 2(26), Pág. 559–568. Retrieved from