
Dear community of the Chilean Journal of Nursing, we inform you that we continue to receive articles for publication this 2024,
with a continuous publication system on Nursing and Health Sciences topics;
and an average publication time of nine weeks from article submission to publication. (GUIDELINES FOR THE AUTOR)





Objective: To unveil the experience lived by informal caregivers during the care of their relative in advanced stage of cancer at home that led them to hospitalize them in a palliative care clinic. Methods: The research was conducted with phenomenological qualitative methodology based on Husserl in the constructivist paradigm, the testimonies of ten participants who lived the experience of hospitalizing their adult relative in a palliative care clinic in Santiago de Chile hospice type during the year 2017, after having cared for them at home were collected. The information was obtained through audio-recorded in-depth interviews, transcribed verbatim, protecting confidentiality. Discourse analysis based on Helen Streubert was performed. Authorization was obtained from the institution and the corresponding ethics committee. Results: The study revealed the following units of meaning; the participants, after assuming the responsibility of caring for their relative at home, began to experience exhaustion. This triggered a crisis in caregiving, which led to the decision to hospitalize them. Once hospitalized in the clinic, the caregivers felt supported by the professionals, this allowed them to resignify the experience, feeling that they were returning to care for their family member again. Conclusions: It was revealed that home care requires continuous accompaniment, with 24-hour attention by the Palliative Care team, to reduce the stress of disease progression and promote peace of mind for family members and caregivers.


Hospitalization, Palliative Care, Caregivers, Overload


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