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Simulated Participant Feedback Modalities: Their Contribution to Humanized Health Training



Objective: To reflect on the feedback modalities provided by a Simulated Patient. Development: Clinical simulation, as a didactic technique organized in simulation-based learning experiences, represents a set of activities structured by the educator to recreate real or potential clinical or professional practice situations. These can range from high to low frequency settings that significantly impact people's health. These experiences allow learners, students, and professionals to develop or enhance their knowledge, skills, and attitudes in a controlled and protected environment, making their actions safe and providing them with better human quality. Simulation-based learning consists of several stages. A very important stage is feedback, which can be delivered by an educator, a peer, or a simulated participant, all of whom need proper knowledge and training. Simulated patients can offer the learner a unique perspective on how their actions or performance affect the represented person's emotional experience, trust, and understanding of the provided information. Conclusions: This reflection is contributed from the training and experience of the authors in the roles of simulated participant and teacher. Furthermore, it offers a guideline to help reduce the existing gap in feedback training for simulated participants and educators, aiming for orderly, effective, and affective feedback that promotes meaningful learning and the humanization of health care.


Education, Professional, Simulation Training, Patient Simulation, Formative Feedback, Humanization of Assistance


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