Desert and material prediction on The occasion of Juan José Saer



The occasion (1987), a novel whose intrigue is located in the last decades of the 19th century, investigates the progressive disenchantment of the Santa Fe plain in the process of modernization based on the successive failures of the spiritual in its different versions -magic, mystery and fortune telling- and the deviation of certain romantic and sublime coordinates of the landscape. For this, the writing flies over and juxtaposes, among many others, Darwin’s geological fiction, the theosophical and nationalist concerns of Lugones ‘strange forces, Prado’s expeditionary tales and Blanes’ famous painting of yellow fever. Before the advance of the blind force of capitalist progress, we will try to observe how some of these heterogeneous desert fictions mutate and juxtapose, and in particular, how “magic” still resists in the precariousness of bodies.


Juan José Saer, The occasion, National landscape, Desert, Image