
Announcement RChD: Creación y Pensamiento |Vol. 10 Nº 18| JUN 2025 | Dossier: The multiscalar. Deadline for full manuscript submission: December 31, 2024. 

Decolonising Textiles: Weaving Resistances, the Role of Design in Collective Memory



Textiles, as a practice that transcends the body, have been a testimonial material medium that allows us to build community and "weave" it constantly. Entramando Resistencias is a research-creation project from the discipline of Design, which is articulated around the construction of collective memory and identity from a feminist perspective through domestic textile work. The resignification of popular struggles has been the instrument for vindicating knowledge, identities and creations that have been undermined by official historiography. The materialisation of this research aims at the irreducibility of the experiences and territorial struggles of the women of the Herminda de La Victoria population in Santiago de Chile, both in their individual and collective history, through the design of a work whose decolonising graphic-textile language is observable through its structure and composition, with the aim of fulfilling a social role in order to create the necessary bridges for the reconstruction of identity, memory and popular creation, from a gender and design perspective, with the desire to give voice, prominence and evidence of part of the history of those female inhabitants who are fundamental in the construction of the social fabric.


feminism, design, textile language, memory, resistance