Author Guidelines
The Journal agrees with the authors to meet the following deadlines:
– Preliminary review of manuscripts received, within a week, responding if their work is formally qualified to be assessed and consequently returned for correction or to act on its evaluation.
– Perform the arbitration process within five weeks, counted from that work they are in formal conditions for evaluation. At the end of this period the author will be informed whether or not article will be published, or require corrections to be published.
– Publish manuscripts approved, within two weeks of approval or correction.
The Journal does not apply charge to evaluate and publish the contributions it receives.
Papers should be written in English, Spanish or Portuguese. The articles approved will be published in the original language. The first page must include the following information: paper title, name, affiliation of the author(s), e-mail, a summary of no more than 100 words, and key words. Summary and key words should be written in English and Spanish, and references should be listed at the end of the paper alphabetically. The Chicago Manual Style is the citation guide of the Revista Chilena de Derecho del Trabajo y de la Seguridad Social ( Therefore references should be quoted as the follows examples:
• Book of an Author or editor
On the references list the author´s name should be inverted, first surnames, followed by the name and separated by a comma. The parentheses enclose the year´s publishing Humeres Noguer, Héctor (2004). Derecho del Trabajo y de la Seguridad Social. Santiago: Editorial Jurídica de Chile. (Humeres, 2004: 128)
• Book of two or three authors or editors
In this case, only the first name is inverted on the reference list, the other names should be kept as they appear in the source. Caamaño Rojo, Eduardo y José Luis Ugarte Cataldo (2008). Negociación Colectiva y Libertad Sindical, un enfoque crítico. Santiago: Legal Publishing. (Caamaño Rojo y Ugarte Cataldo, 2008: 22)
• Book of three authors or more
All names should be included on the reference list. However, on paper the quote could mention just the author’s surname followed by the expression «et al» Martín Valverde, Antonio; Fermín Rodríguez-Sañudo Gutiérrez y Joaquín García Murcia (2013). Derecho del Trabajo. Madrid: Editorial Tecnos. (Martín Valverde y otros, 2013: 118-19)
• Chapter or part of a book
García Amado, Juan Antonio (2011). «Principios, reglas y otros misteriosos pobladores del mundo jurídico». En Flavia Carbonell, Rodrigo Coloma, Raúl Letelier (coordinadores), Principios Jurídicos, Análisis y Crítica. Santiago Abeledo Perrot, Thomson Reuters. (García Amado, 2011: 30)
• Paper from a printed journal
On your paper put the number of the looked up page. On the reference list, put the range of pages as the paper appears in the journal. Pasco Cosmópolis, Mario (2012). «Los Derechos Laborales Inespecíficos». Revista Chilena de Derecho del Trabajo y de la Seguridad Social, 3 (5): 13-26. (Pasco Cosmópolis, 2012: 14)
• Paper from an online journal
Palavecino, Claudio (2012). «El Nuevo Ilícito de Acoso Laboral en el Derecho del Trabajo». Revista Chilena de Derecho del Trabajo y de la Seguridad Social, 3 (6): 13-28. Disponible en (Palavecino, 2012: 14)
Copyright Notice
The sending and assessing of the received manuscripts entails that the authors must declare to be the primary and exclusive owners of patrimonial and moral author rights of the paper, this, according to the stated by law n* 17.336 regarding Intellectual Property (Chile). In addition, if another’s author’s work is used during the writing process, it must be declared when submitting the paper that s/he has got the respective owners’ permission, or that its use it’s explicitly protected by law.
The authors expressly release University of Chile’s Law School’s Department of Labour Law and Social Security of any subsequent responsibility in cases of regulatory and contractual violation that had taken place in relation to the work at hand, thus obligating them to repair all damages caused by any of the cases mentioned above.
Regarding the submitted article, the author authorises the University of Chile’s Law School’s Department of Labour Law and Social Security, so that, by itself or by the third parties expressly authorised by it, exercises the rights specified below:
Publication, the editing, reproduction, adaptation, distribution and selling of the produced copies, including online publication of the article, in English, Portuguese or Spanish, to all known territory, whether it is a Hispanic speaking country or not. It also authorises all types of printed edition, be it digital or on paper, while being included in the Revista Chilena del trabajo y de la Seguridad Social, or in any other publication, whether it is edited by the Revista Chilena del Tabajo y de la Seguridad Social, or by the Department of Labour Law and Social Security.
As long as the corresponding rights are maintained, this authorisation is granted in a non-exclusive, free, indefinite, perpetual and non-revocable nature. In addition, it releases University of Chile’s Law School’s Department of Labour Law and Social Security of any compensation for the practise of the previously mentioned rights.
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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.