The present article attempts to present the ex-post evaluation of results with shadow control developed during 2016 for the “Cerro Blanco Ecological Educational Path” implemented by the NGO “Cultivos Urbanos” in the district of Recoleta, Santiago de Chile. The main objective of the article is to strain the relationship between territory, community and environment starting from the social evaluation of a specific case of environmental education, understanding this triad as the central elements of an environmental problem. Based on a qualitative analysis of the experience of different social actors involved in the project, the results identify the centrality of the following elements: articulation of the executing team within work and organization; a precise definition of objectives; a contextual diagnosis that could allow an articulated and participative relationship with involved communities and their territories; and the potential for the intervention of the methodological choice of environmental education. Thus, the present social evaluation aims to be a contribution for future socio-environmental interventions based on the shortcomings and successes of the analyzed case.
Evaluation of results, Environment, Community, Territory, Environmental education
Avello Lefno, V., Bodenhofer González, C., Faret Moreno, F., Gómezjurado Moreno, M., García Soriano, F., & Phillips Richardson, K. (2021). Territory, community and environment: Evaluation of Results of the Cerro Blanco Educational Path. Revista Némesis, 1(14), 181–195. Retrieved from