In this article, in order to initiate a reflection on inclusive approach schools, the concepts of leadership and communication are exposed from the theoretical systemic perspective of Niklas Luhmann. The concept of epistemology of the biology of knowledge of Humberto Maturana is also presented. The definition of the concept of leadership explored in this article is closely linked to an understanding of communication as the basal autopoietic capacity that makes possible the viability of any social system, whether productive or not, whether or not it has profitability purposes.This relationship between leadership and communication allows to raise the thesis that all leaders must operate with a high degree of communicative intelligence in order to preserve the adaptive viability of a social system and, in particular, in the case of educational systems that, being in diversity, must broaden their communicative spectrum beyond their borders, a sine qua non condition to be inclusive.
Communication;educative sytems;inclusive education;leadership;pedagogical leadership;social systems
Manosalva Mena, S. (2019). Leadership and Communication: Reflective Preface For Inclusive Approach Schools. Revista Saberes Educativos, (2), 144–161.