The objective of this study is to examine the relationship between certain variables and the presence/absence to a greater or lesser degree of the personal pronoun together with a conjugated verb in spoken Spanish of Granada (Spain). By doing so, we want to determine the factors involved in using the pronominal subject instead of the phonetic zero in certain statements. In order to define the determining factors, we have followed the coding guidelines proposed for the PRESEEA Project by Bentivoglio, Ortiz and Silva-Corvalán (2011). After the standard statistical processing firstly we verified that the prevalence rate of the personal pronoun is one of the lowest in the Spanish-speaking world and secondly, that the following variables are significant: grammatical person, specificity, ambiguity of the verbal form, semantic class of the verb, periphrastic form, co-reference, the beginning of speech turn and age. This paper focuses on the comments and explanations regarding the possible interrelationships among the values obtained.
Manjón-Cabeza Cruz, A., Pose Furest, F., & Sánchez García, F. J. (2017). Determinant factors in the expression of the pronominal subject in the PRESEEA corpus of Granada. Boletín De Filología, 51(2), 181–207. Retrieved from