The characterization of writing practices constitutes an opportunity to understand the theoretical principles of academic literacy understood as 'writing to learn' in a particular disciplinary context, such as the second year of an undergraduate program in Biology of a Chilean university. The purpose of this study is to characterize in a preliminary way the writing practices that are identified in the teacher's discourse and in his/her classes. In methodological terms, it follows a qualitative, exploratory and descriptive perspective, within a case study, using the technique of content analysis. From this perspective, a provisional model is constructed to determine the writing practices that are derived from the data. The results show a well-formed writing practice that meets the requirements of its planning, execution and evidence, as well as its relation to scientific reasoning. The potential of this article lies in the fact that the practice under study is ecological in nature. Its description would allow to support the specialist during the development of academic literacy during biology classes in Chile.
academic literacy, writing at university, writing practices, scientific reasoning
Marinkovich Ravena, J., Velásquez Rivera, M., & Astudillo Figueroa, M. (2018). TOWARDS A CHARACTERIZATION OF WRITING PRACTICES IN THE ACADEMIC COMMUNITY OF BIOLOGY. Lenguas Modernas, (50), Pág. 131 – 152. Retrieved from