absTracT: The starting point of this work is Talmy’s analysis (1985, 2000) of the semantic composition of movement events and his distinction between verbal frame languages -Spanish and Romance languages- in which the Trajectory is encoded in the verb and the Manner is expressed in an attached satellite, and the languages of satellite frame -Indo-European, except Romance languages, Latin, Chinese, and Russian- in which the verb codifies the Manner and the Trajectory is expressed on a satellite. In this paper some cases are studied that depart from the lexicalization patterns mentioned for the languages of verbal frame and those of satellite frame
and which are characterized by the fusion in the verbal root of the movement and the Figure. For the analysis of the examples, the aspectual nature of the events involved in the constructions analyzed and semantic distinctions such as scalarity and gradualness will be taken into account (Rapaport & Levin 2010).
eventos de movimiento, patrones de lexicalización, construcciones resultivas, escalaridad, gradualidad
Ferrari, L. D. (2019). Remarks about the lexicalization patterns of motion events. Lenguas Modernas, (52), pp. 121–134. Retrieved from https://ultimadecada.uchile.cl/index.php/LM/article/view/52848