
Call for Papers. Special Number "100 Years of Social Work: Discussions and Perspectives on the Discipline's Past, Present and Future". Submissions in Spanish or English until the 30th October 2024 for publication in April 2025 (Issue 9). For more information please see the following link.

Get out of prison in Chile: uneven territorial concentrations and municipal absence



This article analyzes the return of former inmates to their neighborhoods once they leave prison, emphasizing the needs and barriers that these individuals face in order to reintegrate into Chilean society and the apparent invisibility of this phenomenon. To do this, we calculated prison system’s discharge rates for each municipal territory, based on administrative data from the Prison Bureau (year 2016). Then, for the communes with higher rates we reviewed their websites as well as contacted them by phone to find out what services they may have available for people leaving prison and what were the procedures to obtain access to specialized, social services in the commune. Our results showed that: i) the return of former inmates to their communities occurs disproportionately for certain territories over others ii) most municipalities with highest rates had no specific programs to support the return of former inmates (neighbors who are coming back to the community) and that iii) the invisibility of this phenomenon (concentrations of individuals returning from prison) can have negative implications for both the social integration of the incoming neighbors and the social cohesion of communities where they return to.


former prisoners; prisons; discharges; Chile; municipalities.

Author Biographies

Guillermo Sanhueza, Loyola University Chicago

Académico en la Universidad de Loyola Chicago, Estados Unidos. Sus áreas de investigación y docencia se relacionan a la reinserción social, las condiciones carcelarias, el rol de los funcionarios/as penitenciarios/as en la vida intra penitenciaria, y los procesos de retorno a la comunidad posteriores al encierro. Actualmente dirige el proyecto Fondef IDeA #id21i10255 “Prototipo de gestión integrada para una reinserción social eficaz”.
Correo electrónico: gsanhueza@luc.edu
ORCID ID:https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1971-7362

Fernanda Ponce Navarro, Universidad Alberto Hurtado

Degree in Criminology from the Catholic University of Chile, and a degree in Social Sciences (Sociology) from the Diego Portales University. She is currently completing her Master’s degree in Prevention, Urban Security and Criminal Policy at the Universidad Alberto Hurtado. She did an internship at the Ex
Penitenciaria, where she studied physical violence among inmates of the same prison. Her areas of interest focus on criminal policy and its relationship with reinsertion, in addition to studying how integrated gender concepts are in it. She is a research assistant in the Fondef IDeA #id21i10255 “Prototype of integrated management for effective social reinsertion”. 

E-mail: fer.ponce.navarro@gmail.com

Ignacio Godoy Delgado, Universidad Católica de Chile

Degree in Social Work from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (PUC), a Master’s degree in Social Work from the Universidad de Chile and a diploma in Management Skills and Team Management from the Universidad de Chile. He currently works at the Social Integration Center Conecta Las Condes, under the Public Safety Directorate of the commune. He has also worked as a research assistant in two
projects related to reinsertion: Fondecyt Initiation #11150840 “The moral performance of Chilean prisons” and Fondef IDeA #id21i10255 “Integrated management prototype for effective social reintegration”.

E-mail: iagodoy@uc.cl


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