Youth, power and politics: In-progress concepts


  • Natalia Hernández Mary Universidad Alberto Hurtado


The following article is an invitation to recognize the different constructions made by young subjects gathered around notions of power, youths and politics. These concepts are generally handled in a daily and 'common' discourse that nonetheless challenge their own operationalization in the context of an investigatory work into the senses and notions and how they materialize in the spaces of social actions. On the basis of a qualitative methodology, with group interviews as the main data collection technique, we were able to approach the transits between the systems of value and material actions. The results of this work brought attention to the sense-related transformations given to the notions and how they move from conservative to contemporary axes and vice versa. The abstract and the material forces of these driving ideas are constantly in tension since - according to participants’ feedback – a refined level of consistency is required for actions. A descriptive review of the findings will be made in order to help further reflection.


youth, power, politics

Author Biography

Natalia Hernández Mary, Universidad Alberto Hurtado

Chilena. Dra. (c) en Trabajo Social, Universidad Nacional de la Plata - Argentina. Magíster en Trabajo Social, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile; Licenciada y Trabajadora Social, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile; Diplomada en Mundos Juveniles, ACHNU-Universidad de Chile.