In the name of the father? Family dimension and political dispositions in young students of an upper class school in the city of Buenos Aires


  • Miriam Kriger Universidad de Buenos Aires
  • Juan Dukuen Universidad de Buenos Aires


This paper contributes to understand the bond of young people with politics in the Argentine context, focuses specifically on the incidence of the family dimension in the formation of political dispositions in education of upper classes. It analyzes the presence of politics in family narratives emerged in interviews with students of an upper class high school. Finally, considering the role of the school in the transmission of inheritance and in the reproduction of the lineage and social position, this article proposes several categories inspired by Bourdieu on the ways of inheritance, offset or counteract the political dimension of family legacy within the framework of the formation of political dispositions.


politics, family, schooling

Author Biographies

Miriam Kriger, Universidad de Buenos Aires

Doctora en Cs. Sociales (FLACSO), Investigadora Adjunta de CONICET-Argentina y docente de la Universidad de Buenos Aires. E-mail:

Juan Dukuen, Universidad de Buenos Aires

Doctor en Cs. Sociales (UBA), Investigador Asistente de CONICET-Argentina y docente de la Universidad de Buenos Aires. E-mail: