This work is oriented to state some problematizations leading to discuss on the conceptual and methodological pertinence of social trajectories as a potential approach for “youth analysis”, assuming that social trajectories are mostly a matter of the field of public policies. The most extended notions concerning social trajectories are presented and discussed, with an emphasis on the realities of youths, portraying the methodological, technical and source potentialities, limits and difficulties for the development of social research under this approach.
youth, social trajectories, life paths
Author Biographies
Oscar Dávila León, Centro de Estudios Sociales CIDPA
Asistente Social. Investigador del Centro de Estudios Sociales (cidpa) Valparaíso, Chile. Correo electrónico:
Felipe Ghiardo Soto, Centro de Estudios Sociales CIDPA
Licenciado en Sociología. Investigador del Centro de Estudios Sociales (cidpa) Valparaíso, Chile. Correo electrónico:
Dávila León, O., & Ghiardo Soto, F. (2019). Social trajectories as an approach to analyze youths. Última Década, 26(50), 23–39. Retrieved from