The generational perspective in youth studies: approaches, dialogues and challenges


  • Carolina Álvarez Valdés Universidad de Chile


The present article is a review of the treatment of generational perspective in youth studies, focused on the articles published on Revista Última Década and its main authors; two main approaches, culturalist and historical-sociological, have been identified from such review. The results characterize both approaches as based on classical authors, with a prominent presence of the conceptualization developed by Mannheim, not ignoring Ortega y Gasset’s influence, mainly on the culturalist approach. The latter approach understands generations as symbolic referents, with globalization processes and cultural changes as central aspects. The historical-sociological approach, on the other hand, is centered on the study of youth trajectories and political affiliations, focusing on the study of determined groups within national and local contexts and with further development of empirical studies. The challenge of this perspective is to move forward in the production of more social research in order to update the classic theoretical references and used methodologies.


generations, youth studies

Author Biography

Carolina Álvarez Valdés, Universidad de Chile

Doctora © en Educación (Universidad Alberto Hurtado/Universidad Diego Portales, Santiago, Chile). Integrante del Núcleo Investigación y Acción en Mundos Juveniles, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales (Universidad de Chile). Correo electrónico: