Youth boundaries and crime


  • Rogelio Marcial Vázquez Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana


This article aims to understand the contemporary forms of high-mobility youth interaction within the intersticial spaces of society, breaking symbolic and identity boundaries to escape from the hierarchical, age-based adultcentric point of view imposed on them. All of this refers these people to situations of control, repression and illegality; that prevents them from achieving their emancipation by means of a life project based on welfare, solidarity, social security and personal fulfillment.


youth, intercultural boundaries, legal conflicts, adultcentrism

Author Biography

Rogelio Marcial Vázquez, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana

Sociólogo (Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Unidad Xomilco, Ciudad de México) y Doctor en Ciencias Sociales (El Colegio de Jalisco, Jalisco). Académico e investigador del Departamento de Estudios de la Comunicación Social del Centro Universitario de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades (Universidad de Guadalajara, México). Correo electrónico: