Housing trajectories of young women and men: Building home in metropolitan area of Buenos Aires between 1999 and 2013


  • Milena Arancibia FLACSO Argentina


This article analyzes the housing trajectories taken by people being young during the 2000s in the Metropolitan Area of Buenos Aires, with an emphasis on how these trajectories are related to their career paths in their transition process to autonomy. In the context of structural changes of both labor market and urban dynamics, a number of trends concerning strategies applied by young people from different social stratification are displayed, showing the decisive importance of family assistance, regardless of the stratus, when facing increased prices of building land and lack of mortgage loans.


young people, habitat, autonomy

Author Biography

Milena Arancibia, FLACSO Argentina

Socióloga, argentina. Licenciada en Sociología (Universidad de Buenos Aires) y Maestría en Estudios Urbanos (Universidad General Sarmiento). Actualmente es Becaria de CONICET 2013-2018 y se encuentra cursando el Doctorado de Ciencias Sociales (UBA). Asimismo se desempeña como investigadora del Programa de Juventud de la FLACSO Argentina. Pertenencia institucional: FLACSO-CONICET. E-Mail: m2arancibia@gmail.com.