«Subject positions» and political university action: Discourse analysis of students of universities in Valparaiso region


  • Fuad Hatibovic Díaz Universidad de Valparaíso
  • Juan Sandoval Moya Universidad de Valparaíso
  • Manuel Cárdenas Castro Universidad Católica del Norte


This article proposes to explore the «subject positions» from which the young people approach the phenomenon construction of their political university action. For this purpose a meaningful sample is designed which is composed by students from different traditional universities in Valparaiso region, students were grouped according to their political actions: social action groups, leading groups and groups without action. A focus group is used as technology production of information and as data analysis techniques an approach taken from Jesus Ibañez’s discourse analysis. The results of the analysis allow to identify four subject positions: political, neopolitical, pragmatic postpolitical and philanthropic postpoliticial subjects with their respective discourse on the political university action.


political action, subject position, university youth

Author Biographies

Fuad Hatibovic Díaz, Universidad de Valparaíso

Universidad de Valparaíso, Escuela de Psicología. Magíster en Estudios Sociales y Políticos Latinoamericanos, Universidad Alberto Hurtado. E-mail: fuad.hatibovic@uv.cl.

Juan Sandoval Moya, Universidad de Valparaíso

Universidad de Valparaíso, Escuela de Psicología. Doctor en Psicología Social, Universidad Complutense de Madrid. E-mail: juan.sandoval@uv.cl.

Manuel Cárdenas Castro, Universidad Católica del Norte

Universidad Católica del Norte, Escuela de Psicología. Doctor en Psicología Social, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. E-mail: jocarde@ucn.cl.