The discussions referred to the young woman’s body pentecostal manifest under five fights of dichotomous: between traditional and modern (ruralurban and industrial-craft) class, between the proposed oligarchical and popular among the social and community, gender, between masculine and feminine, and generational, between adult and young. But the young woman protagonist appears as active in the various struggles of representations of the body. She is the one that resists, negotiate and decide between conflicting proposals, and ending stressing innovations relating to the body.
woman, young, young woman, body, pentecostalism
Author Biography
Miguel Ángel Mansilla, Universidad Arturo Prat
Sociólogo, doctor en antropología. Investigador del INTE, Universidad Arturo Prat (UNAP), Iquique. E-Mail:
Mansilla, M. Ángel. (2020). The ugly ones go to heaven and hell beautiful. Debates on the corporeality of young women in the evangelical pentecostal church of Chile (1927-1950). Última Década, 20(37), 175–200. Retrieved from