Chilean society, in the last forty years, has undergone a series of structural changes, and along with them, there has been a deep reconfiguration of the ways in which subjects are positioned in these new structural and subjective conditions. In this article, we are interested in exploring the manner in which these economic, political and cultural changes have been making complex the traditional way of relationship between the youth and the educational field. Specifically, how secondary students who attend municipal-public schools in Chile, metaphorically represent this educational institution which at different moments of historical development of Chilean society was a privileged field of social integration and which nowadays has become a powerful mechanism of social exclusion.
youth, education, metaphors
Author Biography
Walter Molina Chávez, Universidad de Magallanes
Trabajador social, doctor en ciencias de la educación. Académico de la Universidad de Magallanes, Carrera de Trabajo Social, Punta Arenas, Chile. E-Mail:
Molina Chávez, W. (2020). Educated youth and metaphors about public municipal school in contemporary Chile. Última Década, 21(38), 37–65. Retrieved from