This article presents conceptual elements for research with indigenous youth in the Latin American context. Going to a type of synthetic research analyzes how this topic has received little worked in the social sciences and particularly in the development of the studies related to youth identities. This situation falls critically in what has been the construction of the adult centrism which is identified as a problem inherent to the development of the conception of the modern subject. Criticism involves recognizing that indigenous young people, in their condition of subalternity, are subject to an interpretative matrix that operates from a double negation of contemporaneity.
identity, young indigenous, contemporaneity
Author Biography
Jorge Daniel Vásquez, Universidad Católica del Ecuador
Docente en la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador. Licenciado en Filosofía (Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica) con estudios de postgrado en Comunicación (UASB, Ecuador) y en Sociología (FLACSO, Ecuador). E-Mail:
Vásquez, J. D. (2020). The knowledge about the other conceptual approaches to research with young indigenous. Última Década, 21(38), 67–88. Retrieved from