Community action with young people. Generational challenges


  • Klaudio Duarte Quapper Universidad de Chile


The experiences of youth community action are multiple and longstanding in our country. In them, various types of organizations have attempted to carry out action strategies territories and communities. The present analysis searches: to debate concerning the conceptions of community and of community action in contexts of unrestrained capitalism; to observe how the generational relations are constructed in these experiences and which are the conceptions of youths that (re) produce; realize of the methodological tensions that in them are demonstrated; and to raise tracks on possibilities and opportunities that are opened to incorporate horizons of equity/generational equality/solidarity in this community action. The central hypothesis to discuss, is that the community action with young people have lacked perspectives that relieve the juvenile contributions as nutrient politics of the processes in development, remaining rather installed on adult- centered notions that make invisible or they deny the above mentioned contributions and that they debilitate the possibilities of construction of community. The above mentioned turns out to be reinforced in a context of individualism that encourages the abandon of the collective thing and the community thing as social will.


community, youth community action, youths, unrestrained capitalism

Author Biography

Klaudio Duarte Quapper, Universidad de Chile

Sociólogo Universidad de Chile y Educador Popular; Máster en Juventud y Sociedad, Universidad de Girona; Doctorando en Sociología, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. Director Proyecto Anillo Juventudes (SOC 1108). Coordinador Académico del Diplomado de Postítulo en Investigación y Acción en Mundos Juveniles y del Núcleo de Investigación en Juventudes, del Departamento de Sociología de la Universidad de Chile.