Images of youth, juvenile and school culture in teachers of secondary education


  • Raúl Zarzuri Cortés Universidad Central de Chile


The purpose of this article is to give an approximation to the «imaginary ones» that teachers have of municipal schools, particular subsidized and private, to their students, their cultures and the school culture they carry into schools. It is part of an exploratory study that sought to investigate the possibilities of integration of youth cultures at school cultures, particularly in the area called high-school or secondary school. To account for this, it was necessary to enter in the imaginary ones that teachers built on youth, youth cultures and school cultures. This way, this article tries to describe these «imaginary ones», trying to accede to the existing shades, to identify the tensions that emerge from the constructions that realize respect of the cultures that were investigated and his possibilities of integration and comprehension. The article is closed, with an interpretive exercise, which allows to understand the information produced from the categories of: «juvenile prejudices and the question of gender»; the nonexistence of a clear vision on the part of the teachers of what they are the juvenile cultures; as the idea of that «the teacher has never been young» and, some metaphors of the school.


teachers, imaginary youth, youth and school culture

Author Biography

Raúl Zarzuri Cortés, Universidad Central de Chile

Sociólogo, Investigador y Coordinador de Investigación en el Centro de Estudios Sociales y de Opinión Pública (CESOP) de la Universidad Central de Chile. Investigador del Centro de Estudios Socioculturales (CESC). Actualmente es parte del proyecto Anillo Juventudes (CONICYT) sobre transformaciones de la juventud chilena, y este artículo forma parte de ese proyecto. E-Mail: