Theory of theories about adolescence


  • Agustín Lozano Vicente Universidad de Oviedo


Adolescence is still an open field for research, as well as an object of concern for parents, teachers and public institutions. Different disciplines are focused on its study using diverse and sometimes contradictory approaches. This article tries to classify the various characteristics and theories that define adolescence and aims to establish a functional concept of adolescence from both a universal and cultural-historical perspective.


adolescence, theories of adolescence, universalism, relativism, functional definition of adolescence

Author Biography

Agustín Lozano Vicente, Universidad de Oviedo

Licenciado en Psicología por la Universidad de Oviedo y Licenciado en Filosofía por la UNED. Psicólogo en el Servicio de Infancia y Familia del Ayuntamiento de Avilés, España. E-Mail: