«An open adventure». Biographical events of young residents in villas and suburbs in greater Buenos Aires, Argentina


  • Alejandro J. Capriati Universidad de Buenos Aires


The article describes and analyzes the biographical events in a sample of young men and women living in villas and suburbs of Greater Buenos Aires, Argentina. It was used as a production of life stories information technique and were produced a total of 10 life stories. The presentation of the results is focused on one of the interview and his story, from which similarities and differences with the others are established. Three-dimensions of the l analysis are presented: the time before; the time after; and the time of the present and future.


life stories, violence, projects

Author Biography

Alejandro J. Capriati, Universidad de Buenos Aires

Licenciado en Sociología y Doctor en Ciencias Sociales por la Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA). Docente en la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales (FSOC/UBA) y becario postdoctoral (CONICT) con sede en el Instituto de Investigaciones Gino Germani (FSOC/UBA). E-Mail: alejandrocapriati@gmail.com.