“I don´t like commuting” moving through the city as a daily challenge for young dwellers from working class neighborhoods of Buenos Aires


  • Silvia Alejandra Tapia Universidad de Buenos Aires


In order to inquire into the inequities in daily commuting of young individuals from working class neighborhoods of Buenos Aires, the present article sets out links between Danilo Martuccelli’s sociology of individuation and studies about spatial mobility. From the analysis of data collected from a currently ongoing study, commuting is identified as a daily challenge for these young individuals, as a big part of their everyday activities is developed out of their neighborhoods. Such challenge, implying a big effort to go through by means of material and symbolic support, reflects several inequalities but also the strategies to deal with them.


youths, daily commuting, individuation

Author Biography

Silvia Alejandra Tapia, Universidad de Buenos Aires

Dra. en Ciencias Sociales, Magíster en Políticas Sociales y Lic. en Sociología por la Universidad de Buenos Aires. Becaria posdoctoral por el Consejo de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas, con lugar de trabajo en el Área de Salud y Población del Instituto de Investigaciones Gino Germani de la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad de Buenos Aires (IIGG-UBA). Correo electrónico: tapiasilvi1@gmail.com