The article is part of the result discussion work in the context of a Fondecyt initiative on corporal practices and narratives in Chilean urban young individuals carried out between 2015 and 2017. The objective of the text is to analyze the main meanings, habits and care that youths develop towards their corporal experience and personal image, by means of identifying imaginaries, processes of subjectivation and social agents feeding, regulating and tensing these dynamics, in a social scenario of strong uncertainty and social discomfort particularly visible in younger generations. A biographical method was used, including 40 life stories of young individuals from diverse social contexts, socioeconomic strata, interests and lifestyles in the cities of Concepcion and Santiago. The work proposes a typology of corporal experiences, and a bodygraphy synthesizing the corporal-related visions expressed within each typology, allowing the observation of some tensions and alternatives in diverse generations and young worlds.
youths, uncertainty, body experience, personal care industry, generational subjectivation
Author Biographies
Rodrigo Ganter Solís, Universidad de Concepción
Sociólogo, Doctor en Estudios Urbanos, Universidad Católica de Chile. Investigador responsable Proyecto Fondecyt n° 1114086. Profesor e investigador del Depto. de Sociología, Universidad de Concepción – Chile.
Daniela Carrasco San Martín, Universidad de Concepción
Socióloga, Master in Sociology, University of Sheffield, Reino Unido. Co-investigadora en el proyecto Fondecyt n° 1114086. Investigadora, Dirección de Equidad de Género y Diversidad, Universidad de Concepción –Chile.
Pablo Pinto Valenzuela, Universidad de Concepción
Sociólogo, Magister en Investigación Social y Desarrollo, Universidad de Concepción - Chile. Asistente de investigación proyecto Fondecyt n° 1114086.
Ganter Solís, R., Carrasco San Martín, D., & Pinto Valenzuela, P. (2020). Youth bodygraphies and generations in contexts of uncertainty: subjectivation, divergence and happiness industry in contemporary Chile. Última Década, 26(49), 59–100. Retrieved from