Try again: Educational-labor project for young social adults.


  • Leandro Sepulveda U de chile


In its medullar aspect, this article tries to collect and interpret the main representations of the working world and the labor-educational project involving social adultyoung people that are currently coursing their secondary schooling in the educational system for adults. In this text, we seek to offer empiric antecedents of a juvenile social segment that —having left the formal education, after a couple of years— is trying to finish its secondary education in an alternative system, in search for better opportunities of social insertion. The present article synthesizes some conclusive hypotheses referring to the general profile of these young individuals, their educational and work experience, the global representations of their environment and the projections referring to their own future. In general, we point out that these young persons express a new form of moratorium, in addition to be carriers of a new educational project, not without some displacement in their expectations. These are young people lacking of significant social networks, participating in a pattern of precarious formation, with low innovative levels in their discourse. Nevertheless, it prevails in them an optimistic vision of the future and a sense of trust in their own effort to make it through. Such considerations seem to be relevant in a broad discussion about the future of the educational system for adult people, in perspective of favorable formative proposals that can be adequate in order to face the transformations of the working world, diversifying an extremely rigid pattern of pro-university academic formation that is little functional to the profile of the young individual that is the main subject of this study.


young people, education and work

Author Biography

Leandro Sepulveda, U de chile

Antropólogo Social; investigador del Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo de la Educación (CIDE); docente del Magíster en Políticas Sociales y Desarrollo Local, Universidad ARCIS y Escuela de Servicio Social, Universidad Católica de Valparaíso