It is certainly complicated to simultaneously analyse all the edges in Chilean Education in the last fifteen years. There already exists great backgrounds. The most recent report of the OCDE (2004), is of great depth and fine suggestions; and the report of Cox (2004) is very complete in background, but maybe, in our opinion, vouched for by the data of both reports and the results of our investigations already published (Redondo et al., 2004), in our opinion, seem quite self-satisfied with the politics they carried out and their effects. It is convenient to read both reports simultaneously. Although, maybe it convenient to start with the excellent article of Espinoza (2003): «Alternative perspectives in relation to the educational-state, reformed education and political education: a critical vision». The intention of this article is to neither summarize nor comment on any of the above-mentioned reports; but simply to give another opinion, trying to support it with available evidences. It is certain that the effort carried out in the past decade as regards to Education in Chile is exceptionally significant, beyond the results. But we want to enter into a profound analysis, or into depth (subversive), under what is seen; of ideological content, ethic and political; with more than econometric evidence.