School courses and speeches in the trayectories of the Young


  • Felipe Ghiardo CIDPA
  • Oscar Dávila León CIDPA


Different studies referred to the young, have been adopting the insight of trayectories as an entry point to the phenomenon of the young. The strength of this insight is that it allows to join in a same analysis process, the structural, educational and working extents that act on the social construction process of the young. The application of this insight has been of great importance in order to understand the conditions of the young in European countries. Nevertheless, in Chile there have been few research initiatives intending this kind of approach. The present article tries to apply the trayectories insight to the analysis of a specific sector of the young: that which assist to the educational institutions belonging to municipal public education. The purpose is to try to describe the trayectory of these young people facing in a integrated manner, their structural or origin features, their school stretches and exploration of the different ways with which they project their futures on the educational, laboral and family grounds.


trayectories, capitals, life proyects, juvenile conditions