Modernization and family transformations as processes of social conditioning of two generations.


  • Eugenio Gutierrez Corporación Años
  • Paulina Osorio Universidad de Chile


This article provides a review of the modernization of Chilean society in relation to its effects on the family, with the intention of contributing to the identification of aspects that participate in the conditioning process of two generations of the twentieth century. This approach was carried out paying special attention to the role of the State and the relationships between couples and between parents and children.


state, ages, generic

Author Biographies

Eugenio Gutierrez, Corporación Años

Antropólogo. Investigador de la Corporación Años, Santiago, Chile. E-mail:

Paulina Osorio, Universidad de Chile

Antropóloga Social y Doctora en Sociología. Académica de la Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile; e investigadora de la Corporación Años, Santiago, Chile. E-Mail: