«Help», income generation and salaries: youth work experiences in a rural mexican context


  • Luisina Gareis Universidad Nacional de La Plata


The article analyzes how youths who grow up and live in a rural town in Mexico City satisfy their needs, and how the heterogeneous youth work experiences are related to other dimensions of life (family, territory, gender, personal desires). From an ethnographic description of two life stories, we show the imbrication among affective relationships, leisure moments and economic relations. Aspects such as youths’ creativity to generate income, their own responsibility for their profit and a combination of different forms of employment are characteristics of the youth trajectories analyzed.


youth, work experiences, rurality

Author Biography

Luisina Gareis, Universidad Nacional de La Plata

Becaria doctoral CONICET. Miembro del Laboratorio de Estudios en Cultura y Sociedad (LECyS) en FTS-UNLP, Argentina. Correo electrónico: luisinagareis@gmail.com