Between derivationism and disputes: the shaping of the system of integral protection of rights of boys, girls and adolescents in the city of villa maria (córdoba) in 2014 and 2015


  • Daiana Ailén Monti Universidad Nacional de Villa María


We inquire into the particular ways of formation of the System of protection of rights of boys, girls and adolescents in the city of Villa María (Córdoba) in 2014 and 2015. We asked ourselves about the process from which this «new» regulation was configured, as well as for the ways of coexistence with the remains of the tutelary model. We intend to show the tensions and contradictions coexisting in both the discourse and practice of those male and female state agents intervening in situations of infringement of rights of working-class boys, girls, and adolescents. Our hypothesis, therefore, is that there are actions within the tutelary approach, which are ingrained beyond the new institutionality, and make the conditions of infringement of these male and female individuals deeper.


childhoods and adolescences, state agents, working classes

Author Biography

Daiana Ailén Monti, Universidad Nacional de Villa María

Universidad Nacional de Villa María/CONICET, ciudad de Villa María, Córdoba, Argentina. Correo electrónico:, 4964. Licenciada en Sociología de la UNVM (Universidad Nacional de Villa María). Becaria doctoral de CONICET. Estudiante del Doctorado en Ciencias Antropológicas de la UNC (Universidad Nacional de Córdoba). Docente adscripta en dos cátedras del IAPCS-UNVM: Sociología Política (Lic. en C. Política) y Antropología Social (Lic. en Sociología). Miembro de los equipos de investigación IAPCS-UNVM: «Condiciones de producción de disposiciones y experiencias infanto juveniles en barrios periféricos populares» y «Teorías y praxis feministas: sujetos políticos y saberes situados».