Experiences of lived time: reflections of young students from the interior of Brazil about life during the Covid-19 pandemic and school as a space of sociability


  • Marina Jorge Da Silva Universidad Federal de São Carlos
  • Joice Bissoloti Brigati Universidad de São Paulo
  • Livia Celegati Pan Universidad Federal de São Carlos


The Covid-19 pandemic and its resulting serious sanitary, social, and economic crisis have affected young people in several different ways. Focused on the Brazilian reality, we aimed to gain an insight on how high school students from a small town in the interior of Sao Paulo (state) have been facing the current situation through the implementation of Workshops, Dynamics and Projects developed in a hybrid way, which showed that the most difficult part of implementing them lies on the sociability of these young people. School is understood, therefore, as a space of social support to these individuals and their demands, contributing to their attention and care.


youths, public school, sociability, Covid-19, primary education

Author Biographies

Marina Jorge Da Silva, Universidad Federal de São Carlos

Doctora en Terapia Ocupacional por la Universidad Federal de São Carlos (PPGTOUFSCar). Profesora de la Universidad Federal de São Carlos-SP/Brasil. Contacto: marinajorge@ufscar.br

Joice Bissoloti Brigati, Universidad de São Paulo

Máster en Ciencias por la Universidad de São Paulo (USP-ESALQ). Profesor de Educación Básica II-Secretaría de Educación del Estado de São Paulo. Ibaté-SP/Brasil. Contacto: joicebbrigati@gmail.com

Livia Celegati Pan, Universidad Federal de São Carlos

Doctora en Terapia Ocupacional por la Universidad Federal de São Carlos (PPGTOUFSCar). Profesora de la Universidad Federal de São Carlos-SP/Brasil. Contacto: liviapan@ufscar.br