«Let’s see what this youth thing is all about». On reproductions, productions, and socio-cultural transformations in contemporaneity


  • Constansa Vergara Andrades Escuela Nacional de Antropología e Historia
  • Maritza Urteaga Castro Pozo Escuela Nacional de Antropología e Historia


We live in convoluted times; the global pandemic forced us to confine, suspending our daily social interactions, and implying serious transformations in all spheres of life. Inequality increased and precariousness deepened. The structures of modernity, such as family, school, and work, are in crisis and uncertainty permeates the diverse life experiences of youths. In this context, we met Maritza Urteaga in an online interview to speak about her career in research and epistemic proposal that nourish the field of youth studies. In the text, we will approach her biography, which guides both her questions and her concerns about youth practices and conditions in Mexico and Latin America, as a situated place. We will run through her main research topics, methodologies and reflective processes that allow us to understand the transformations and continuities of societies from the heterogeneous ways of being young in contemporary cities, and the way which young subjects are affected by the structural conditions crossing them, among others those related to social position, gender, ethnicity, age, geographic origin, but at the same time the way they affect young individuals from their agency and creative capacity, and their ways of creating collectivity from their acts and feelings.


youth, sociality, rock, youth cultures, consumption, collaborative work

Author Biographies

Constansa Vergara Andrades, Escuela Nacional de Antropología e Historia

Socióloga, Universidad de Concepción, Chile. Maestra y estudiante del Doctorado en
Antropología Social de la Escuela Nacional de Antropología e Historia (ENAH), México. Correo
electrónico: constansavergara@gmail.com

Maritza Urteaga Castro Pozo, Escuela Nacional de Antropología e Historia

Doctora en Ciencias Antropológicas, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (UAM), México, y
Profesora Investigadora Titular del Posgrado en Antropología Social, Escuela Nacional de
Antropología e Historia (ENAH), México. Correo electrónico: maritzaurteaga@hotmail.com