In this article, I intend to rebuild the way in which care work appears in youth studies in Argentina. In order to do this, I put a selection of publications of National Meetings of Red Nacional de Investigadores/as en Juventudes de Argentina (National Network of Male and Female Researchers on Youth in Argentina) into a dialogue with female feminist authors from different feminism branches that show the way in which care is integrated in Latin America. From this conversation, I propose three main lines of discussion within youth studies that are distinguished by the place they give to care work and the young women who carry out it.
Author Biography
Consuelo González-Clariá.
Licenciada en Trabajo Social y Doctoranda en Ciencias Sociales por la Universidad Nacional de Villa María. Becaria Doctoral CONICET-CIECS-FCS-UNC. Correo electrónico:
González-Clariá. , C. (2023). ARGENTINE YOUTHS THROUGH THE LENS OF CARE: DEBATES AND FIELDS OF VACANCY. Última Década, 31(60), 215–248.