The representations, narratives and images on “educated”, religious, generous and sporty
young individuals, produce a positivization of youth, where discursive formations intersecting and maintaining unequal class and age relationships are generated. Class
and age relationships are modeled through images of privileged young people, in
contrast to refused, and negativized young individuals from working class areas. A
cartography of cultural production in moral terms is carried out, based on an
ethnographic research among young university students. The moral and marketing
discursive formations define the current juvenilization of the process of capitalist
legitimization, with young individuals as consumers, and as a mark of both “sales” and
distinction, key aspects for the creation or expansion of markets and esthetic
Sebastián Fuentes, Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero
Licenciado en Filosofía, Magíster en Ciencias Sociales con mención en Educación y Doctor en Antropología Social. Investigador del CONICET/FLACSO y de la UNTREF. Correo electrónico:
Fuentes, S. (2019). Positivized youth in Buenos Aires: class, moral and esthetics in the production of contemporary youths. Última Década, 27(51), 123–159. Retrieved from